Daniel Chapter 1: Sermon Notes and Bible Study Questions


Pastor Derek began the first of our new series this weekend. Control in the Midst of Chaos: A Study of the Book of Daniel reveals that during times of crisis and chaos, God is in control. Not only does the Book of Daniel demonstrate how God protects and provides for His children, it also proclaims a message of future hope and redemption. May we all journey through this series growing ever-more confident in who God is and how He loves and protects us.

This Sunday's sermon had us dive into Daniel 1:1-21.  Pastor Derek helped us to see that 

  1. God is in control of all that happens, and that He alone possesses sovereign power, and 
  2. Daniel’s actions bring glory to God and encouragement to a people in exile.

You can watch the sermon and download the adult study guide and children's sermon notes and coloring pages at Control in Chaos: An Introduction to the Book of Daniel.

Daniel Chapter One Sermon Outline

I. Background of Daniel
   A. What is Daniel’s historical context?
   B. Why should we study the Book of Daniel?

II. What does Daniel teach us about God?
   A. God uses the lives of His people to demonstrate His sovereignty. Daniel 1:1-2
   B. God uses all circumstances to train His people for service. Daniel 1:3-14
   C. God uses the lives of His people to bring glory to His name. Daniel 1:15-21

III. Application
   1) What does it mean to you knowing that God is completely sovereign and in control of all things? How does this knowledge change how you live?
   2) What is God doing in your life to draw attention to His sovereignty? Do you trust that He knows what He is doing?

Family/Small Group Discussion Daniel Chapter One

1) Pray – That the message of Daniel would encourage our hearts in this scary time (Covid19) and that we would trust Him in all circumstances.

2) Briefly review the sermon outline. Have people read aloud a few of the Scriptures covered and explain why they are important and meaningful.
3) Small group discussion questions.

1) List as many of the difficulties Daniel and his friends experienced in Daniel Chapter 1. Categorize each difficulty as a physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual challenge.
2) Of those difficulties, which would have been the most challenging for you to cope with? What is one difficulty that you are facing right now that is challenging for you?
3) Considering all that Daniel and his friends experienced in this chapter, where do you find the greatest encouragement? What does this chapter teach you about God?
4) How can you apply this encouragement or truth about God to help you in the difficulty you are facing now?
5) Pray together and invite God into your difficulties. Ask Him to provide you with creative solutions or His power to help you endure and that He might be glorified in the process.

Join us for our online church service next Sunday at 9:30 am as we look at Daniel Chapter 2.