Chapel Kids | The Tabernacle Was Built
January 14, 2021 Series: Kids Church
Topic: Worship in the Wilderness Passage: Exodus 35:1– 40:38
This week the children who attend in-person and online will learn more about what worship is as they learn about the building of the tabernacle in Exodus Chapters 35 - 40. (Scroll down for links to the preschool lesson and activities). The Israelites provide us with a wonderful example of how we worship God through our offerings. In this case, they gave items to build the tabernacle, gave their time to help, and gave their talents to serve. If you are following along in our Evergreen Christianity series, this connects to our recent sermons on giving and generosity!
Teaching Children to Be Givers
This week we want the children to consider how they can bring their offering to God.
We don’t want to miss the point of what we are teaching. Getting children to bring money to church is not the same as teaching them to give. We also want to make sure that we aren't in some way bribing our children to give. "If you do donate your toys, you can have..." Rewards for giving can reduce generosity to an exchange of goods and services.
Our goal is not about bringing in money;
our goal is to teach children to be givers.
Parent Tips: Raising a Giver
1. Lead by example. Are we givers? Do we share? Are we generous with our time and our material possessions?
2. Teach and talk about giving regularly. Teach about tithes and offerings. Talk about giving to others. Teach lots of scripture about giving (Proverbs 14:21, 19:17, 21:13, 22:9).
3. Be patient. Do not get frustrated if it does not work right away. Our children are growing up in a selfish world. It takes time to learn to give freely.
4. Let the satisfaction of seeing someone else being blessed be the reward.
5. Regularly provide opportunities for children to give that matches their development by:
Putting it in their world. Children enjoy giving to other children because they understand their situations better.
Appealling to children’s naturally sensitive nature. Though they are selfish at times, children are sensitive when a genuine need and hurt that they understand is happening.
Making sure the children are doing the giving. We are not teaching them anything by having them give someone else’s money. Giving requires sacrifice.
Making sure the giving is the child’s choice. Giving is not giving if it is done under compulsion, (2 Corinthians 9:7).
Being creative. Children can give more than money. They can give clothes, toys, and services.
Putting It In Their World - Pathway to Play
Help Needed in Chapel Kids!
Kids Worship Videos
Elementary Kids Worship: The Tabernacle Was Built
Preschool Kids Worship: The Tabernacle Was Built
Pinterest Activities:The Tabernacle Was Built
Access Previous Chapel Kids Teaching Videos
Serving Him Alongside You,
The Chapel Kids Leadership Team
Please contact us at if you have any prayer requests, need further helping sharing the Gospel with your child at home, or to ask questions.
*Raising a Giver Tips summarized from a handout from Gateway Church in Louisiana
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