Chapel Kids | Rules for Sacrifice

January 22, 2021 Series: Kids Church

Topic: Worship in the Wilderness Passage: Leviticus 1:1– 27:34

 Here are the links for this week:

Elementary Kids Worship: Rules for Sacrifice
Preschool Kids Worship: Rules for Sacrifice
Pinterest Activities: Rules for Sacrifice
Access Previous Chapel Kids Teaching Videos

This week the children move on from studying Exodus and into studying the Book of Leviticus.  Now if you know anything about Leviticus, you probably know that even adults often express how this book of law can be a difficult read, if not a bit boring!  So how can we teach this book to children without having their eyes glaze over or even become frightened by the talk of animal sacrifice?  For kids, it is a great idea to teach the Big Picture of Leviticus rather than focus on the itty-bitty details.  So what's the Big Picture of Leviticus?  It can be summed up well in Leviticus 19:2.

"Be holy because, I,

the Lord your God, am holy."


Teaching Children About Holiness

In an article in Holiness Today, Danielle Jones wrote,

"Let’s talk about why teaching about holiness is crucial to our children’s faith. We can trust and depend upon God because He is holy. When kids learn that God is holy, it creates a life-long foundation of trust in God. We become who we worship. Kids must understand God rightly to become holy as He is holy." 
Interestingly, I've found that if I ask children to describe God, I'll often hear things like, God is good.  God is loving.  God is powerful.  But rarely do I hear children independently volunteer the answer "God is holy."  This is something that we as parents and the Church should be working to change.  Let's make sure our children understand what it means that God is holy.

So How Do We Teach What "Holy" Means:

Jones goes on to explain that we should define "holy" in terms that kids can understand and keep it in simple language and terms they are familiar with.  Here's how we can do this. Break "holy" into two key ideas.
  • God is set apart. Even children can categorize. Blue, red, and green are all colors. Frogs, birds, and dogs are all animals. When we say that God is holy, we mean He can’t be put in a category with anything else. God is bigger and greater than anyone or anything.
  • God is perfect. Everything about God is perfect and has no bad in Him at all. Since God is “holy” in His love and justice, that means we can trust Him entirely. This is the way God made us to be, too.

Relate the Sacrifices in Leviticus to Jesus Perfect Sacrifice

Be sure that you talk about Leviticus' connection to Christ. The Book of Leviticus contains many rules for the Israelite people, but we do not obey all the rules in Leviticus today because we trust Jesus, who obeyed the law perfectly for us. Lead to children to treasure Jesus as the perfect and final sacrifice "who takes away the sins of the world!" (John 1:29)

Help Needed in Chapel Kids!

If you sense God's nudge to get involved in Children's Ministry, know there is a place for you!  We are currently looking for people to help with weekly craft preparation, and as classroom teachers, online teachers, Pinterest coordinators, and more.  We have roles that you can fill both at Chapel or at home!  Contact Jenny White for details.
Serving Him Alongside You,
The Chapel Kids Leadership Team