Renew: Kingdom Commitments Part 2
October 24, 2021 Preacher: Josh King Series: R3: Rebuild, Renew, Rejoice
Topic: Video Sermon, Sunday Sermon Passage: Matthew 5:33–48
This sermon series is designed to help us understand the need and methods of helping people follow Jesus. God calls us to be our true selves, but this is only possible with help from the Holy Spirit. In this passage, Jesus calls us to commit to being trustworthy, keeping the Gospel first, loving everyone, and pursuing perfection.
More in R3: Rebuild, Renew, Rejoice
December 26, 2021
Rejoice: God's Gift of JesusDecember 24, 2021
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service: RejoiceDecember 19, 2021
Rejoice: Jesus is the Prince of Peace