Archives for February 2021

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Take Up Your Cross

Blog 2021.02.24

we make the mistake when we try and apply that desire to not suffer to our spiritual lives. Remember that Jesus has invites us to a radically different way of living. The way of the cross is to turn from personal gain and self-love and instead urges us to live fully for Jesus- even when it is painful or costs us something like comfort or security. ...

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Seeing Through to the Heart

Blog 2021.02.18

As we look at Mark chapters 7-8, Jesus reveals that He isn't concerned about outward appearances....

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Stretching Your Faith

Blog 2021.02.09

Being a follower of Jesus is a life-long journey, not a final destination. And we are all on that journey together. ...

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True Servanthood

Blog 2021.02.03

Now, take heart. Here’s a mind-blowing, counter-cultural thought. In Christ, you are someone before you do something. What you “do” for God, no matter how “great” it is, will never change how much God values you and loves you. Already. Before you even do a single thing....

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