God's Divine Spark

Blog 2020-07-15

The dictionary on my computer defines “inspiration” as, “the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative” (version 2.3).  In the historical middle English, it is directly associated with the meaning of “divine guidance.”  In other words, if I want to do something inspiring, I need divine guidance to do it.  Or, that is what people used to think.  So when did creative or inspiring actions become disassociated from God?  When did we as a human race decide that we could create things by our own intellect and abilities?  Was it a matter of not wanting God to get the credit for the inspiring gifts He gave us or was it something darker and more sinister?

If we believe in the Bible, God the Father through the creative agent of His Son Jesus Christ created all that we know and see.  God, this creative force or being, who has always existed, created (and don’t miss this) all things out of nothing!  That is right.  He took absolutely nothing and made it into something.  I can give my grandson a Lego model, and following the instruction manual, he can build it into something.  But if I give him nothing and give him no individual pieces or material, he cannot create a plane, firetruck, or anything else.  What’s the problem?  He is not God and cannot create something out of nothing.  Without God paving the way and creating everything, we would have no divine spark or ability to inspire anyone or anything.  This is what it means to be created in the image of God.  We have a God-given desire to be inspiring and creative, but we need His help to do so.

Ever wonder why you get frustrated trying to write something new, draw something original, or paint something spectacular?   Maybe it is because you are trying to do it in your own strength.  I am familiar with this feeling.  Every Monday morning I get up and stare at a blank piece of paper and try to come up with an inspiring message for the following Sunday.  But without God’s guidance and the help of the Holy Spirit, I would not have the ability to write or preach anything useful.  Not to mention I would also drive myself crazy with fear and anxiety trying to “create” something that I was never designed to do on my own.

So, I try to keep things simple.  I talk to God on Monday mornings and tell Him how much I need Him.  If He doesn’t show up, I am lost with no ability to help the people of Chapel know Jesus and follow Him.  This is especially true in the midst of these challenging days we are living in now.  How about you?  Do you depend upon God for inspiration?  I hope so, and I pray that you feel that peace that comes from knowing that He is actively working in your life.


Be safe and enjoy God’s creation.  It is pretty inspiring!!

