Challenge #10 - Focus by Fasting
Feeling restless? We challenge you to fast. Biblical fasting is more than simply not eating food or depriving yourself of some other indulgence. Biblical fasting is withholding certain activities in your life and replacing them with prayer. We should not think of fasting as a method of forcing God to change his mind. Instead, we should desire to honestly and intentionally pursue God’s heart for a specific purpose.
In life, we go through crises and transitions, or we simply feel stale. This is where fasting can help us focus on God. During these times, fasting reminds us of how much we need God to make it through. When we intentionally focus on God, we find purpose and rest. We connect with God in a special way. We take time to process the loss of a loved one or consider an application to a new job or starting a new school. Also, sometimes in our spiritual walk, we simply need to shake up our faith. We sense that our hearts have grown cold. Something needs to change. God can use fasting to help with all of these. He is the one guiding our hearts and minds as we fast.
Here are some quick questions/tips on fasting. These all fall under the strategy of being intentional. There will be distractions and temptations along the way, but having a plan will help greatly overcome these challenges. We challenge you to answer these questions by writing them out before you start a fast.
- Who? Decide if you will fast by yourself or with others.
- What? Define precisely what you will be fasting. If you are fasting food, ensure your personal health and safety.
- When? Write down the start and end times for the fast.
- Where? Consider having a space dedicated for prayer/meditation or committing to taking prayer walks.
- Why? This is the most important aspect. Be honest with yourself and God about your current situation. Come to God intentionally and earnestly. Remain focused on listening to him and his plan for your life.
Here are several more resources with very helpful and practical advice on fasting and prayer.
Podcast: Why Do Christians Fast? | John Piper & & Desiring God Ministries
In this podcast, John Piper offers great Biblical insight into fasting and seeking after God’s heart.
Post: Fasting for Beginners | David Mathis & Desiring God Ministries
In this post from Desiring God Ministries, David Mathis has a great beginner’s guide to fasting with several practical ideas.
Post: Biblical Fasting: Why, When, How, and How Not to Fast | Mike Vander Klipp & The NIV Bible
Mike Vander Klipp has a deeper dive into fasting, the Bible and some more very helpful tips.