Chapel Kids Sunday Mornings




We treasure the opportunity God has given us to minister to your children. Our prayer is that Sunday mornings at Chapel will be a significant experience for every member of your family, including your kids. From the moment their little feet step into our classrooms, may they feel the love of God, the kindness of His Son, and the presence of the Holy Spirit.


Our Approach

We use the Gospel Project for Kids Curriculum. This Christ-centered, chronological Bible study helps kids dive deep into the Bible's big story—God’s plan to rescue His people through His Son, Jesus Christ.

Our Classrooms

6th classrooms are open at the 9:30 service on Sunday mornings during the school year. 

  • 6th - 8th graders
  • Third - Fifth Graders
  • First - Second Graders
  • PreK - Kindergarteners (must be 4 by Sept 1)
  • Toddlers (2 year olds through children who turn 4 after Sept 1)
  • Nursery (birth - 24 months)

Third through eighth graders begin in the sanctuary for family worship and then are dismissed to their classrooms before the sermon. Babies through second graders are dropped off at the beginning of the service.  We consolidate our classrooms during June, July, and August, creating multi-age groupings.

At certain times during the year we do host Chapel Family Sundays.  This is a special opportunity for families to experience the Worship Service together as we help teach children to know and follow Jesus. Activity pages and crayons will be available at the Children’s Welcome Station to help provide a meaningful and engaging experience for our children.

Our Volunteers

We are blessed to have adult leaders and youth assistants who are passionate about teaching children about Jesus. Volunteers are screened through applications, safety training, and background checks. We strive to have two adults and one youth helper in each classroom.

Visit the Chapel Kids Policy and Procedures page for more information, including details on how to check in and when to keep your child at home. For questions or to learn how you can get involved in Chapel Kids, please email the Chapel Kids Leadership Team.