Kids Church | The Golden Calf
January 8, 2021 Series: Kids Church
Topic: Worship in the Wilderness Passage: Exodus 32:1–35, Exodus 34:1–35
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This week we will begin a new unit in our Gospel Project Series, Through "Worship in the Wilderness," Chapel Kids will see that as the rescued people of Israel travel through the wilderness, God instructed them how to live holy lives in an unholy world. God also gave them rules for worship. God's law sustained their relationship with God until His perfect plan was revealed through Jesus Christ.
Big Picture Question - What Is Worship?
Over the next three weeks, the children will be asking the question, "What is worship?" and be exploring the kid-friendly answer:
Worship is celebrating the greatness of God.
As parents, when we reflect on how we can teach our children about worship, we should challenge ourselves to make sure that "worship" isn't an event isolated to Sundays. In an intimate conversation with the woman at the well, Jesus spoke about the kind of worshipers God craves,
"Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. 24 God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” John 4:23-24
We should be asking ourselves,
How can I equip my child to be
a true worshiper of God?
There is no comprehensive list that answers that fully but reflect on some of these ways that can help develop a heart of worship in your child:
- Remember the adage, "more is caught, than taught." Your children will learn more about the value of worship by how you model it than what you simply say about it.
- Have open conversations with your child about what worship is and why it matters. For formal worship services, discuss what behavioral expectations you have ahead of time and allow them to ask questions.
- Worship with your child throughout the week through everyday conversations, meal times, family devotions and worship, singing in the car, and expressing gratitude for all God has done regularly.
- Leverage "teachable moments" by reflecting on God's character in daily life. For example, when taking a walk, experiencing a snowstorm, petting an animal, praise God as the Creator. Celebrate God as Provider when He takes care of a need for your family. Healer. Protector. Rock. Reinforcing God's character can shape a deep understanding of all the ways we should be celebrating God.
- Even during the pandemic, make corporate worship gatherings and church involvement a family priority every week. This could be done online or in-person. It is up to us to bring our children to Jesus, and by providing regular, formalized times to worship God, we teach our children the importance of setting apart time in our week to worship Him.
- Pray! Pray with your child that God would develop the heart to worship Him in "spirit and in truth." Plead with God to move in your own heart and life as well as your children’s lives.
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