Chapel's Online Church Service

At Chapel, we have a strong sense of community.  We know that GOD is a community in Himself. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit have enjoyed the love and fellowship of their perfect triune community for all eternity.  God created humankind to participate in that community and embrace the love of our Triune God.  One way we can accomplish this by "not giving up meeting together... and encouraging one another" (Hebrews 10:25).

However, we do understand there will be times when someone is not able to come to church. We are thankful that we can offer our service online to help people stay connected as an alternative. Here is our guide for how people can view services and participate with our online Chapel community.

How to Watch Services Online

Watch Online1. WEBSITE ONLINE PLATFORM  Visit Chapel's Youtube Channel to watch our worship service at 9:30 AM.

2. PAST SERMON ARCHIVE. Previous sermons can be viewed on our YouTube page as well as on our website's Sermon Archive, which also includes the Group Discussion Guides.

3. WEEKLY EMAIL. The link to the service will be in our Thursday church-wide email. Click the link to join the email distribution list.



How to Give Online

Give Offerings onlineYour weekly giving is important.  Chapel exists because people faithfully give to the mission to help others to know and follow Jesus. Your ‘tithes’ and ‘offerings’ are used to bless people who are in need of the truth and for the daily expenses of running the church. Visit our online giving portal to share your tithes and offering.

You can also mail checks to Chapel of the Cross, 160 Flanders Road, Westborough, MA 01746.




How to Request and Receive Prayer

Request PrayerWe believe that praying with and for one another is powerful.  Please let us know how we can pray for you by reaching out to us with any of these methods.




Online Church Resources and Social Media Platforms

In addition to the above resources, we also encourage you to engage with the community on our social media platforms and YouTube Channel.

facebook    instagram   YOUTUBE (small)