Daniel 3: Sermon Notes and Discussion Questions

2020-05-10 Daniel-3 Large

This week our Control in the Midst of Chaos: A Study of the Book of Daniel series took us into the sermon Daniel Chapter 3, "God Transcends Death." Daniel Chapter 3 covers the events surrounding Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego being thrown into the fiery furnace.  This passage can help us discover how to stay strong and faithful in the midst of chaotic and sometimes dangerous circumstances. This often-told excerpt from God's Word serves as a witness to the awesome power of God. God's Word can empower us to live more courageously and confidently for Jesus.

You can watch the sermon and download the adult study guide and children's sermon notes and coloring pages at Control in Chaos: God Transcends Death.

Daniel Chapter 3 Sermon Outline

What does Daniel tell us to do when facing chaos and possibly death?

Don’t compromise your beliefs and worship God only. Daniel 3:1-12

Don’t fear the future and rest in God’s presence. Daniel 3:19-30

Don’t fear the future and rest in God’s presence. Daniel 3:19-30

How can we apply God’s Word to our lives?

When you don’t know the future do you pray and praise or argue and negotiate?

If God is the only one who can reveal truth, what is God saying to you during this time?

Daniel Chapter 3 Small Group Discussion Question

Pray – That the message of Daniel would encourage our hearts in this scary time (Covid19) and that we would trust Him in all circumstances.

Briefly review the sermon outline. Have people read aloud a few of the Scriptures covered and explain why they are important and meaningful.


  1. Share a time when you compromised in order to get along with someone. When is it okay to compromise to get along or fit in? When is it not okay?
  2. Reflect on Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego’s experience. What does their situation in Daniel Chapter 3 tell us about God?
  3. Why didn’t God rescue them before they went into the furnace? Is there a situation in your life you wanted God to intervene before it happened, but He allowed you to go through it anyway? What were the results?
  4. How do you think walking in the furnace affected the faith of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego? How did their faith effect the King? How can making a firm stand for your faith affect those around you?
  5. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego had the kind of faith that recognized that God was powerful enough to save them, but even if He didn’t, honoring Him was the right choice. Spend some time praying for one another that you would have the words and the faith to follow their example.

Join us for our online church service next Sunday at 9:30 am as we look at Daniel Chapter 4.